I am going to be full honest and say this post was actually supposed to be about my Spring Wedding highlights however we had an extremely reduced number of Spring weddings than originally planned. Thank you COVID-19! Thus I changed this last minute to reflect back on winning the Wedding Award for “Best Wedding Planner 2020”. One of my biggest achievements in my career this far (I am dreaming big!!).
Writing that sentence brings a smile to my face. I mean truly I feel beyond blessed and lucky to have won this award. It was such a whirlwind of an experience. Never did I think I was going to walk into my third full year in business and be taking home an award that has been given to SO many wonderful planners in the past. I was just honoured to be featured in a category with some of the planners nominated.
I have my clients, fellow vendors, and friends and family to thank for this award. ALL OF YOU have supported me through this wild journey and said yes to participating in my shoots, weddings, or volunteered to help. I could not and I mean COULD NOT be in this position without all of you. My clients – you trust me so much and I don’t take that for granted. I will continue to strive for the best of the best for you all. Thank you for choosing me to plan and design your most special day. My fellow vendors – I wouldn’t be here without your support, kindness, and welcome into this industry. My friends and family – there are no words – you have all supported me from when this was just an idea and listened to my ups and downs and even worked for free to help me out. Endless thank yous to you all.
When I was nominated I truly thought “oh so fun!!” I didn’t think there was a way I would seriously win this award (I mean a girl can hope and dream!). I was watching the awards with a zoom group of industry friends (you all rock my socks) and Timothy beside me and was basically getting every guess of who would win wrong (lol IDK!!). So when it came time for wedding planner and I saw the list of those nominated I was like oh no it can’t be me. Timothy was like “it will be” and then BOOM – it was. Seeing my logo pop up on that virtual screen for the awards was surreal. I had volunteered at these awards as an Event student just a few years prior. It was such an amazing feeling and experience. I have truly worked so hard to get to where I am at and will continue to do so. This is just the beginning…