HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! The day of looooove! I hope all of you have amazing plans with your significant other to spend quality time together.
I know this year is a bit different given that we can’t go out to lovely restaurants, vacation nights, or do anything really but stay home?! We have you covered with our fun Valentines Day date night ideas (just in case you haven’t thought of anything yet!).
Who says you can’t have a picnic at home?! Grab your fav cute blanket, a basket, and some charcuterie items and you’re set. You can even take the time to gather your fav glasses/plates/cute napkins and create an adorable lil set up! I recommend candles 😉
Fort building
OK…I KNOOW we are not 5 years old but when was the last time you built a blanket fort? They are SO fun. Not to mention add some string lighting to your tent, maybe bring in a TV or laptop and you’ve got yourself a fabulous fort theatre. Plus building the fort is super fun. Total confession: Timothy and I built a fort during the first lockdown and literally brought a mattress, lighting, tv, etc. and even slept in it for a weekend. We had a full blown entrance tunnel area as well. It was fun! Give it a try 🙂
Create a fun playlist of songs you both enjoy, grab a glass of wine or tea and just sit and listen together! Quality time can be just being together.
Cook dinner
A classic! Try out a new recipe, cook your favourite, or simply make a yummy dessert! Always romantic, hopefully yummy!
I hope these helped you with your Valentine’s day plans! Happy Valentine’s Day to all my couples! Sending lots of hugs and love your way